Saturday, May 28, 2011

Watch Manchester United vs. Barcelona Live Streaming

Manchester United vs. Barcelona Live Streaming: Watching Saturday’s live UEFA Champions League final between Barcelona and Manchester United on television is definitely the way to go. As has been mentioned, it’s being broadcast live on FOX with coverage starting at 2 p.m. ET/11 p.m. PT.

But if for some reason you can’t watch it, there are options for you to stream it live on your computer.

And sure, sure, there are plenty of sketchy sites out there that offer free live streaming of sporting events like this. But can you trust them?

Some seem mildly reliable, but you never know what you’re getting yourself (or your computer) into. The quality can be really crummy, and there are often viruses, malware or pop-ups that will ruin your experience.

So one option is going to straight to the proverbial horse’s mouth at and getting the real deal. If you’re in the U.S., the site will make you jump over to and register to watch the match live. And, yes, it might cost $15 or so to watch it on demand.

The better option is going to the European sites, where you should be able to watch it for free (as long as you sign up for a free account and log in) on sites like

However you get set up, make it happen. This is a match you won’t want to miss.